Well, I submitted A Paper Mario Story last night. It was a lot of fun to make. No Mario isn't in it, I wanted to branch away from it while still using the sprites/characters. I named it 'A Paper Mario Story' not because I couldn't think of one but so people would get an idea of what they were watching before they clicked it. I'm not really used to making a story with an actual plot so I'll probably improve over time(Hopefully). The sound quality is terrible because I think I used to many, the original .swf was 17mb so I'll post a link to it on youtube with better quality.
Also I made the mistake of forgetting that people who haven't downloaded the Paper Mario font by Retriever II will have to put up with a generic font... Whoops.
Until the next one, leave me a review on how I can make it better :D.
*Update*Here's the updated version on Youtube. I'm putting all of your reviews in consideration for the next one!